Asset Management
Autonomy & Asset Management Group’s fundamental belief is that to truly unlock an operation's potential, you need safe, reliable and available assets.
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Let us defy your expectations
Asset Management is defined simply as “The life cycle management of physical assets to achieve the stated outputs of the enterprise”
Autonomy & Asset
Management Group’s asset management capability can provide your company access to skilled maintenance professionals with the expertise and experience to deliver safe, reliable and cost-effective services.
With a wide-lensed approach to asset management, we can support you to achieve optimal performance, reliability and efficiency throughout your operation. We can assist you in making the right decisions at the right time to achieve the best outcome over the asset’s lifecycle.
Maintenance strategies that cover the entire lifecycle
AAMG will integrate seamlessly with you to understand your company’s strategic maintenance objectives, to understand your assets operational function and criticality and assess current maintenance practices and procedures.
AAMG can assist you to have a whole-of-life view ensuring that the long-term asset strategies are developed and executed. In addition, where possible, we can assist you to extend your component strategies through proactive maintenance and reliability programs.

Reliability centered maintenance
Reliability Centred Maintenance is a key component to delivering the lowest unit cost possible within an operation. The goal of RCM is to reduce the life cycle costs by determining the most applicable cost-effective maintenance technique while sustaining the required asset reliability and availability. The two key measures for RCM are Mean Time between Failures (MTBF) and Mean Time to Repair Failures (MTTR-F).
Critical to reliability performance is the regular review of the maintenance strategy and documentation of equipment performance over its life cycle. This data provides essential information to manage fleet reliability within budget and enhance the efficiency of an asset.